Jeanette White with arms folded smiling

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Coaching Skills for Leaders

1, 2 or 4 day programs

These programs specially designed for emerging leaders, team managers, senior leaders and managers, executives and internal coaches wanting exceptional interpersonal and communication skills.

The underpinning theories and knowledge for these programs come from a mix of positive psychology, neuroscience, brain dominance and the International Coaching Federation (ICF) core coaching competencies.

Jeanette white coach standing
What to expect?

Workshop topics


The REACH© coaching model is a proprietary coaching conversation model developed by the RTO FIRE UP Coaching to meet the needs of a large client in the Health sector who needed a coaching model that was sophisticated enough to enable the depth of conversations that arise in the Health context but practical enough to roll out on a large scale.

The REACH© acronym stands for Rapport, Explore, Action, Clarify and Honour. It has been designed with these principles:

  • To emphasise the building of rapport and trust to help people open up and engage fully in the process.
  • To be able to clarify and articulate the reason or the benefits of getting their desired outcome it was more likely that the coachees would take the actions they had identified to achieve it.
  • To conclude a coaching conversation by authentically honouring the coachees meant they left the session energised, believing that they can achieve what is important to them.

Positive Psychology

Research over the past 30 years has clearly validated the importance of optimism and a positive workplace culture and shown the difference it makes to productivity at work. Martin Seligman’s work on learned optimism vs. learned helplessness is a useful underpinning of any program to increase individual and team effectiveness. 

Whole Brain Thinking and Brain Dominance

Over many years of using different psychometric tools, we have found that to impact on behaviour, it required people to first recognise the fundamental differences in our biological make up. Brain dominance tools are one of the most effective tools to measure individual and team thinking preferences to raise self-awareness as a precursor to individual and team effectiveness. Coach and trainer Jeanette White is accredited in the Hermann Brain Dominance Instrument.

Principles to Practice

Our Coaching Skills for Leaders one, two and four-day workshops designed to introduce leaders and managers to using coaching conversations in the workplace. They are participative workshops, providing frameworks, tools and ideas that are immediately applicable. They provide participants with a foundation for greater understanding of themselves and others to build better relationships and provide more effective leadership and motivation.

Workshop options

1 Day Program

Many organisations large and small now understand the effect that a coaching culture has on their “bottom line” and are looking to introduce a Coaching Culture within their leaders. All too often though, there is little or no return on investment because the basic coaching skills they learn do not translate to results back in the workplace. They remain uninspired and unmotivated to change.

Our Coaching Skills for Leaders is a one-day workshop designed to introduce leaders and managers to using coaching conversations in the workplace. A participative workshop, it provides frameworks, tools and ideas that are immediately applicable. It provides participants with a foundation for greater understanding of themselves and others to build better relationships and provide more effective leadership and motivation.

Develop coaching skills to:

  • Improve your ability to lead, influence and motivate others
  • Utilise the power of questions
  • Recognise how to build trust into any conversation.

Specially designed for Emerging Leaders and Team Managers.

Key Topics:

  • Defining coaching
  • The differences between coaching, mentoring, counselling, managing, and training
  • How coaching skills can improve your ability to lead, influence and motivate individuals and teams
  • The listening skills of an effective coach
  • Building rapport and effectively communicating
  • Asking quality questions
  • Introduction and teaching of the REACH© coaching framework
  • Practical coaching skills using the REACH© framework.

Staff members will leave this workshop feeling energised and armed with practical strategies to enable strong, positive working relationships that result in high morale and productivity.

2 Day Program


Coaching Skills for Leaders of High Performing Teams is a two-day workshop focused on developing exceptional leaders and managers in organisations, so that people understand the key components of being truly effective, and how leadership is different to management. It answers:

  • What are the qualities and attributes that make outstanding leaders?
  • What is necessary to be a successful manager and leader?

Develop Team coaching skills using:

  • Advanced use of the REACH© Framework
  • Positive Psychology
  • Whole Brain Thinking and Brain Dominance 

Specially designed for Managers and Leaders of High Performing Teams.

Day 1  Covers the key topics from our Introductory Coaching for Leaders One Day Program:

  • Defining coaching
  • The differences between coaching, mentoring, counselling, managing, and training
  • How coaching skills can improve your ability to lead, influence and motivate individuals and teams
  • The listening skills of an effective coach
  • Building rapport and effectively communicating
  • Asking quality questions
  • Introduction and teaching of the REACH coaching framework.

Day 2 Introduces topics to enable Leaders to use Coaching to optimise Team Performance through an understanding of group dynamics:

  • Thinking styles and brain dominance – Learning how to communicate using a “Whole Brain” approach
  • How Coaching makes a Team effective
  • How to be more effective as a leader and manager in your communication
  • Developing flexibility in your communication style
  • Developing a culture of coaching in the workplace
  • The importance of a solution focused approach in coaching
  • Driving team performance by enhancing levels of optimism and resilience.
4 Day Program

Specially designed for Executives, Senior Managers, Leaders and Internal Coaches wanting exceptional interpersonal and communication skills.

Day 1 Key topics

  • Levels of Learning
  • What is Coaching
  • Map is not the Territory
  • The FIRE UP Framework for Coaching
  • Fixed versus Growth Mindsets.
  • The Inner Game
  • Cognitive Realities.


Day 2 Key topics

  • Energy Flows where your attention goes
  • How the Brain Can Change
  • Introducing Coaching Tools
  • Thinking styles and brain dominance – Learning how to communicate using a “Whole Brain” approach
  • Explaining HBDi
  • HBDI Personal debrief.

Day 3
Key topics

  • Thinking styles and brain dominance – Learning how to communicate using a “Whole Brain” approach
  • Levels of Listening
  • Building Rapport
  • Introduction and teaching of the REACH coaching framework.


Day 4 Key topics

  • Developing a Coaching Plan
  • Active Listening
  • NLP tools for building Rapport
  • Powerful Questions
  • As If Frame.

The learning is designed to be experiential and engaging with a practical application back in the workplace that results in high performing individuals and teams.

Important Information

Start Date: Anytime

In-house delivery

Single or multi-day options available

Cost: Contact us for pricing

Enquire for further information


Monday – Friday
8:00am – 5:00pm AEST

powerful results

What others think?

You’ll learn a framework for a really powerful conversation that will help people get from where they are now to where they want to be. By using coaching conversations, I’m not longer going away from my 1-1 catch ups with a longer “to do list” than my direct reports!


Senior Leader, Health Sector

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